Medical abbreviations
Medical abbreviations were made to quickly but accurately document. Here’s a list of medical terminologies that you should know. Abbreviations & Acronyms Meaning aa Of each, equal parts ABR Absolute bed rest Abd. Abdomen ac Before meals AD Admitting diagnosis A&D Admission and discharge Ad lib As desired, if the patient so desired ADL Activities of daily living Adm. Admission Ad. Spec. Admission urine specimen A.M. or a.m., AM or am Morning amb Ambulation, walking, ambulatory, able to walk amt. Amount AP or A.P. Appendectomy aqua Water or H2O @ At Approx. Approximately B&B or b&b Bowel and bladder training bid or B.I.D. or b.i.d. Twice a day b.m. or B.M. Bowel movement , feces B.P. or BP Blood pressure BR or br or B.R. or b.r. Bedrest BRP or B.R.P. or brp Bathroom privileges BSC or bsc Bedside commode °C Celsius degree (or centigrade) c With Ca Cancer Cath. Catheter CBC or C.B.C. Complete blood count cc or c.c Cubic centi...